Help youth navigate the digital world

Like a driving simulator for young people learning to drive a car for the first time, Social Media TestDrive provides a simulated experience of realistic digital dilemmas and scenarios, along with key concepts and strategies for navigating them.

Accounts and Passwords Thumbnail
Accounts and Passwords
Learn how to create an account on social media and practice how to protect your privacy online by creating a safe username and a strong password. Click here to start the module.

Ups and Downs of Social Media Thumbnail
The Ups and Downs of Social Media
Reflect on how social media can make you feel and learn how to use social media in a positive and balanced way. Click here to start the module.

Aligned with Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship lesson: My Social Media Life. Learn more...

Responding to Breaking News Thumbnail
Responding to Breaking News!
Learn how to react to breaking news on social media and practice strategies for identifying reliable news online. Click here to start the module.

Aligned with Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship lesson: This Just In! Learn more...

Private Information Thumbnail
Is It Private Information?
Learn what is safe to share with different social media audiences and what kind of information is inappropriate to share on social media. Click here to start the module.

Aligned with Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship lesson: Chatting Safely Online. Learn more...

Digital Footprints
Shaping Your Digital Footprint
Explore how actions on social media create a digital footprint and learn skills to positively shape digital footprints. Click here to start the module.

Aligned with Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship lesson: Social Media and Digital Footprints. Learn more...

Upstander Thumbnail
How to Be an Upstander
Identify signs of cyberbullying and practice how to respond when you see cyberbullying happening to others. Click here to start the module.

Aligned Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship Lesson: Upstanders and Allies: Taking Action Against Cyberbullying. Learn more...

Healthy Social Media Habits Thumbnail
Healthy Social Media Habits
Explore how social media platforms are designed to keep your attention and practice healthy media habits to achieve media balance. Click here to start the module.

Aligned with Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship lesson: Digital Media and Your Brain. Learn more...

Online Identities Thumbnail
Online Identities
Learn how to manage self-presentation and how online identities can change with different audiences on social media. Click here to start the module.

Aligned with Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship lesson: Who Are You Online? Learn more...

Social Media Privacy Thumbnail
Social Media Privacy
Understand how social media sites collect information about users and learn strategies for protecting privacy on social media. Click here to start the module.

Aligned with Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship lesson: Being Aware of What You Share. Learn more...

Targeted Advertising Thumbnail
Ads on Social Media
Explore how companies collect user data to display targeted ads on social media and learn how to identify ads and sponsored posts within your feed. Click here to start the module.

Aligned with Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship lesson: Big, Big Data. Learn more...

Phishing Thumbnail
Scams and Phishing
Understand the consequences of identity theft and learn how to identify and take action against phishing scams on social media. Click here to start the module.

Aligned with Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship lesson: Don’t Feed the Phish. Learn more...

Fake News
News in Social Media
Understand why fake news exists and how to identify the telltale signs of fake news on social media. Click here to start the module.

Aligned with Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship lesson: Finding Credible News. Learn more...

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